الاثنين، 27 يوليو 2015

الدرس (3) - دورة بناء الانظمة البرمجية وتطبيقات قواعد البيانات باستخدام Visual Studio

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

دورة بناء الانظمة البرمجية وتطبيقات قواعد البيانات باستخدام

2012 Visual Studio

رابط الدرس:

الجزء الاول:

الجزء الثاني:


Introduction to Programming
Visual Studio 2012 Intro. To programming
Four Stages in a program
Read Input
Validate Input
Process Input
Output Result
When Developing a program in the real world, there are 6 steps
1) Analyze the problem
2) Plan a solution
3) Design an interface
4) Write the code
5) Test and debug
6) Document the program
Developing a User-Interface 
Developing a Visual Basic & C# Program
Programming Layer Model
New Project
Parts of the IDE:
Menu Bar – Has menus such as:  File, Edit, View, Window, Project, Data, and Debug.
Toolbar – Holds buttons that perform common controls.
Document Window – Currently holding the Form Window.
Form Window – What your VB program will look like when you open it.
Properties Window – Used to change how objects look and react.
Solution Explorer – Shows files associated with the program.
Toolbox – Contains controls to put on your form.
The Windows Form

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